
I have added a Topics section to the site – check out the menu bar at the top of this page. It’s experimental. In particular, I still have to figure out what topics are actually useful, or descriptive, for my contents.

Also, if I want to display the topic – or topics, as each post can appear under several topics – in the post itself, say, underneath the article, or near the title and date. I’d like to keep things as simple and clean as possible, and I am not sure if that added information is any useful for the reader. When I read other blogs, I rarely pay attention to this information when reading, only when looking for something.

As of today, I have tagged the posts back to 2017. I’ll add the rest as soon as I am satisfied with the feature.

As usual, click on the Topics menu item to get an overview page, or directly select from the drop down menu.

Bottom line, now you can access all posts by year, topic, or through search.